what is human design?

Human Design is a system that is based on the learnings by Ra Uru Hu. The system is based on your exact time, date and place of birth. This information maps where the planets were in the sky when you were born as well as when your soul was developed (three months before). It is an incredible framework to learn about your personality, emotions and energy centres.

the spirit and essence

Human Design gives us a system that allows us to understand our individual energetic gifts, talents and unique purpose in this world. It shows us how we can live our lives in alignment with ease, flow and abundance. It is a blueprint to what our souls are meant to do in this lifetime.

the science and other modalities

It’s the mechanics of our energetics and a map telling us how we are designed to interact, give and live in alignment to truly get the best out of life. It is a combination of various modalities, including i-Ching, Kabbalah, the chakras, and astrology as well as scientific principles such as biochemistry, neuroscience and quantum mechanics.

What can you experience as part of the LBYD community?

By combining my knowledge of Human Design, ancient world inspired rituals and coaching practices that encourage balance, alignment and wellness, you will experience what your unique “code” is, how to use it to more effectively to attract and sustain abundance in your life and truly live the life you were destined to live.

The experience is part science, part spirtuality.

The real test is experimenting with what you learn and finding out for yourself how this knowledge can truly change your life.