I am new to Human Design and don’t know where to start. What do you suggest?
I would suggest starting with downloading your free chart. From there, if you would like to know more, you can download a report, or book a session. However, the free chart is a great introduction to each one.
I would like to know more about the origins of Human Design. What makes it different?
Human Design can be researched on Google pretty easily. You can also go to our one page summary on the different modalities, systems and frameworks that it combines.
Can I work out the charts for family and friends?
Absolutely. The nature of the chart generator is you can use it once or as many times as you like. Everyone’s chart will be different so even though there will be elements that are the same, there will be a unique combination of different things for every person.
Will you be extending your services to people outside of Australia?
I have a strong desire to extend my reach, especially in today’s climate. I am working madly in the background, creating different services that allows other ways to get this great content out in a practical way. The two areas I am prioritising is with the LBYD podcast and the mobile app, where self paced courses and tools can be reached for bite sized coaching and activities to experiment with and get aligned in your day-to-day.
I am thinking of inviting my friends to do a session or come to a workshop with me. Is that a good idea?
Most of our community has been built through referrals. When you have a great experience (and I hope you do), it is the biggest compliment when you refer my services to someone in your inner circle, so that I can play a small part in their journey of self-discovery. If you are thinking of recommending me to a friend or family member, you may be entitled to a group discount. I also have a pay-it-forward referral program so if you are considering referring someone in any instance, please get in touch before booking anything in.
I have a question. How can I best contact you?
You can contact me via email. When you have booked a session, you will also have access to me through video conference and WhatsApp.